This will become......
this.....or least my interpretation of it.
I saw this play kitchen in the PB Kids catalog and thought WOW! I have the pieces I could make this.
Not too bad...ignore the blue tape!

The faucet is a upside down paper mache "L". The sink is a pan from the dollar tree. Still need handles for the faucet and a "curtain" to cover the shelves. I wish I had kept the cabinet door...would have been perfect! The counter top is cardboard....I couldn't find a piece of wood the right size and I do not have any power tools to make the necessary cuts. After painting the cardboard it warped of course. So I decided to go to Lowe's to see if I could find a CHEAP piece of wood of some type. On my way out of the co-op I spotted a demolished entertainment center at the curb. Of course, I jumped out of the car I could hardly believe what I saw. About 8-10 shelf pieces of varying lengths and a long piece of trim, perfect for the back splash. I was speechless! As luck would have it I bought a saw over the weekend at the dollar tree . Yes, dollar tree. It worked surprisingly well and I was able to cut 8" off the shelf and 24" off the trim piece leaving about 4'.
Yesterday I decided to try my luck with my DT saw, a screw, screwdriver and hammer to make a cut out for the sink. It worked but it took me about 2 hours. The proper tools sure would be a help! I had decide to make this a "use what you have project". I did pretty good...I only bought the "sink" (DT) and the fabric for the curtain (PTO thrift store $1.00). I used left over room paint. So the whole project cost $2.00 (OK, three if you count the saw but, I can use that again and again....)
The curtain "rod" is a piece of PVC tubing and doesn't fit well. If I can find a dowel or rod I might change it. Overall I am happy with my project and if I change my mind (what? who me change my mind...never!) none of the pieces are attached so I can take it apart re-paint and make something else. I am having so much fun with my projects!